Catalytic Converter Replacement in San Carlos, CA

When you think of auto repair, catalytic converter replacement is usually the last thing that comes to mind. That’s because catalytic converters have no moving parts, so they rarely fail. Unfortunately, with the high price of metals used to manufacture catalytic converters, thieves have been stealing catalytic converters all over the Bay Area.
If one morning you start your car and suddenly you hear it roar – this usually is a clue that the catalytic converter has been stolen. At Toole’s Garage, we have always offered catalytic converter diagnostics and replacement (given the number of our clients, at some point, someone’s catalytic converter is bound to fail), but over the last year we have replaced dozens of catalytic converters – professional thief needs less than 2 minutes to steal one.
Cars that are most often targeted are Toyota Prius Gen 2, and Honda Element. But we are hearing that other Honda and Toyota models are starting to be targeted as well. We highly recommend keeping them overnight in a garage.
During the theft, the thieves not only remove the catalytic converter but can also damage other components as well. So replacing a catalytic converter may include fixing other damage, most often, the oxygen sensor system.
At Toole’s Garage, we offer not only catalytic converter replacement at our San Carlos auto repair shop, but we also offer catalytic converter shield installation, which is designed to make it very difficult to steal the converter and thus encourages the thief to look for an easier target.
Replacing Catalytic Converter
First thing we will need is your vehicle’s VIN number. California has very stringent emissions regulations, and we need the VIN to make sure that the catalytic converter we order can be legally installed in your vehicle, per California regulations.
Naturally, we will also do a damage assessment to make sure that if the thieves damaged any other components, we repair or replace them at the same time.
When the replacement parts and the correct catalytic converter arrive, we will proceed with the repairs. Once completed, our technicians will use their state-of-the-art digital diagnostic tools to verify that the process was successful and that vehicle emissions are within the correct range. These tests involve running the engine while stationary, as well as performing a road test.
When you choose to have catalytic converter replacement done at our San Carlos auto repair shop, our nationally ASE certified technicians will perform all diagnostics and repairs, and their work is covered by a 36 month / 36,000 mile nationwide warranty.
So if your vehicle’s computer illuminated the check engine light and you suspect catalytic converter problems, or if you hear the roar that is the telltale sign that the catalytic converter has been stolen, call our family-owned San Carlos auto repair shop. Even though we offer online appointments, when it comes to catalytic converter problems, we recommend calling the shop and talking to a service advisor.