New tires replaced at Toole's Garage in San Carlos and Valley Springs, CA!

We take great pride in being the professional that you need when making sure your car is in great shape. When we say we take care of your vehicle from the ground up, we mean it! Sometimes we forget that some general repair shops do not replace tires for their clients, so we don't often remind our current clients or new clients that we do! If you are on this page, great, you will know that we take care of your tires, mount, balance, and align all right here at Toole's Garage. We offer a nationwide tire protection plan for the piece of mind knowing that you are taken care of no matter where you are. With so many tire brands and types on the market, we take the guesswork out of what tires are best for your vehicle and you! Believe me, when I say, not all tires are created equally. If you are interested in the process that we use to determine what tire is the best for you, feel free to check out our Tire Blog Here! In the meantime, when you think of tires, think of the fact that they are the only thing touching the road and what allows your car to not only accelerate but STOP TOO!